At MAP, students always have direct and immediate assistance from certified teachers to help them complete their required courses and to achieve a grade 12 diploma. Our building is a certified testing center for grade 12 diploma exams, allowing the students a comfortable environment to write their exams. Our staff studies with and prepares students for their exams directly, ensuring success.
Besides passing their diploma exams, students have to meet a number of other requirements for graduation. We provide academic counselling and create and individual program plans for each high school student. We also teach a full range of courses such as CALM and Physical Education classes, Career and Technology Studies courses such as cooking, sewing, shop, and other options courses. Flex periods have also increased student opportunities in activities such as art projects, student council and rock band.
Students at MAP have the chance to take part in many valuable and fun experiences both inside and outside of school. Past field trips have included going skiing/snowboarding, Writing on Stone Park, Calaway Park, Medicine Hat Leisure Center, Brooks Leisure Center, bowling, curling, and skating. We also offer students opportunities to paricipate in leadership conferences, job fairs, science olympics and sporting events.
We have many events and activities at MAP that include the student's families and our community. Every year we have a back to school breakfast. In the fall, we have a family potluck supper. At Christmas we have often had students bake treats for their families and we have made a homemade Christmas dinner for the students. Many of the moms of our students are providing hot lunches twice a month. In June, we hold a graduation dinner and ceremony for the families of our graduates.